Greetings from Mid-Michigan – The Great Lakes State!
Happy New Years!!
This is going to be an interesting year with the Convention in July. Will you get involved in resolutions and come to Union Meetings to hear and vote on resolutions? Every January most of our Locals ask for the membership to attend Union Meetings to get involved, with little or no response. Let’s make this the year where every member agrees to make at least four (4) meetings a year. We have to start somewhere!
We did interviews for new hires several weeks back. The interviews are completely new and different. An IUEC member on Face Book (I do read & post on FB) said his son did not receive extra points for being a member’s son; he thought he should have. There is no score for Union membership or being related to a Union member in the list of points provided through the interview process. Your son and daughter have an advantage; you know the trade. Help them get ready for employment in the IUEC. The tool assessment is another way to add points, sit down and go over tools so they can get 20 out of 20. Want some examples? Take welding classes, electronics classes, print reading classes, get a job as a laborer, painter, electrician, carpenter, etc. The big score getters are in skilled trades of some kind and have schooling in the trades.
I spoke to a friend who had a young man out of high school, his father (a member) told him if he wanted to be an elevator man he needed to work for it while in high school. He took evening classes in auto mechanics, welding and was working for a dealership as a mechanic after graduation. Does every child know what they want to do for the future? Not many. Our member’s kids know what Union is and they know our union is the best, or they should. If your child is in high school, college, completed college or working at McDonald’s and he/she wants to become a Union Elevator member, help them right away, don’t wait until the testing and the interviews. No one wants to give a member’s child a low score but you the members need to help. One question is, what do you know about the elevator industry. Most of our member’s kids said; you work on elevators and escalators. Most everyone else looked it up and gave answers like you work on walks, belt man lifts, escalators, elevators, test, repair, install, work in all environments, carry heavy parts & equipment and so on. Our kids should be able to answer this better than anyone!
“There is no secret to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.”
Colin Powell
January 1, 2016 New Year’s – Paid Holiday
January 8, 2016 State Test
January 21, 2016 JAC Meeting at 9:00 am
January 26, 2016 Union Meeting, Nominations for the convention
February 12, 2016 State Test Application deadline
Sign up for a Continuing Education Class.
Kalamazoo: 1.6.2016 First Wednesday at 10:00 am, Theo & Stacey’s
Lansing: 1.20.2016 Third Wednesday at 9:00 am, Zeus Restaurant, 6525 Pennsylvania, Lansing
Grand Rapids: 1.19.2016 Third Tuesday at 9:00 am, New Beginnings, 1455 Michigan Street, NE, Grand Rapids
It is coming to an end quickly. Please send in your pictures of your Big Buck taken this season in Michigan. We need number of points and inside spread. Deadline for the contest is January 3, 2016.
In Unity There Is Strength,
Bill Kogelschatz