Greetings from Mid-Michigan – The Great Lakes State!
Our contract ends one year after the convention in July. Think about putting some cash away just in case negotiations go bad. You decide, I’m going to stash away cash in case my family needs it and if we don’t I’m going to spend it on tools!
I pretty much say what I want right or wrong; however, once in a while I feel the need to be clear. I support GP Frank Christenson, AGP Jim Bender, GST Larry McGann and Regional Dale Coalmer. In my opinion they have done a great job for the members and I expect even more from them in the years to come. General President Frank is approachable; he leads with his love for our Union and its members. Assistant General President Jim has caught up grievances that seemed to be stagnate for years and he keeps our future in mind with every grievance he settles. General Secretary Treasurer Larry answers every call and e-mail no matter how trivial it may be; every question and answer is important to him. Regional Dale Coalmer is so involved in Local 85 and the members we think of him as a Local 85 member. They all do much more than I have listed, these are basic examples.
I don’t agree with everything the leadership has done or may want to do, but I also don’t agree with everything I have done over the years. This is a job about people, families, rules, wants and needs. Most, if not all, Union leaders try to be the best they can be for the members and their families. The next time you complain about your General Officers, BA, Local officers, teacher or foreman, remember you don’t always have all the facts. Give them a call and get the facts. As I said, these are very approachable leaders. You may or may not like the answers to your questions, but you will have the facts!
We’ve had a couple of meetings on resolutions and they’ve been very helpful. I’ve rewritten several and removed several others. It’s not about who writes a resolution, it’s about what is good for the members, retirees and the IUEC.
Building up-date: We are completely moved into our new office and classrooms. With NEIEP and the members’ help we will have the best classrooms and equipment in the state. The back bone to our trade is its ability to train our members to the highest possible level. I’m excited to get everything in place to make sure every member and their families will be able to share the pride of their Union and the pride in ownership. I’ve been busy with the building, resolutions, Probationary Apprentices, mentors, Union meetings and meetings in general that I’ve neglected to get out to jobs. I apologize and I will do better. In turn I hope to see you at Union meetings, after all it’s your Union.
Dates to remember:
April 21, 2016 JAC Meeting at 9:00 am
April 26, 2016 Union Meeting w/dinner
Sign up for a Continuing Education Class:
April 11, 2016 Hydro Controller Lab/Class, Corey Kape teacher
May 9, 2016 Motor & Generator Lab/Class, Randy Kape teacher
Also starting in May, Fork Lift certification class, RJ Shaughnessy teacher
Golden Rail Club
Kalamazoo: 4.6.2016 First Wednesday at 10:00 am, Theo & Stacey’s
Grand Rapids: 4.19.2016 Third Tuesday at 9:00 am, New Beginnings, 1455 Michigan Street, NE, Grand Rapids
Lansing: 4.20.2016 Third Wednesday at 9:00 am, Zeus Restaurant, 6525 Pennsylvania, Lansing
In Unity There Is Strength,
Bill Kogelschatz