Greetings from Mid-Michigan – The Great Lakes State!
Happy New Year!!
“Safety!” Nothing is as sad as hearing a member was killed on the job. In our Union office we have two photos of Jeff Smith who also died on the job. It stays fresh in my mind as it does for many of you I’m sure. By the time this article comes out we will know what happened with the latest accident and we will have shared it with all of our members, but it will not change what happened. Please SLOW DOWN!! Every member has been taught safety procedures and policies, but no one was taught to run through a day trying to get the job done in half the time! Stop running, take your time, take a breath, look around and think before you move. I love my job, but I don’t want to be killed on the job. There is more to life, ask your family.
Every year it’s the same thing; make New Year’s resolutions and then break them about two months later. Below you will see several things you can do to change your life for the better and will also improve your Union. I am not asking for you to give up anything, I’m asking you to take!
Take time to attend Union meetings, they will keep you informed on changes and issues.
Take time to get involved in committees at the Local Union.
Take NEIEP continuing education classes, they will keep you trained at the highest level.
Take a welding class to become certified, it will keep you employed or get you employed.
Take an OSHA 30 class, it will keep you employed or get you employed.
Take the Rigging & Signaling class, it will protect your work and everyone else’s in the trade.
Take time to call into the union office every time you change jobs.
Take time to look over the Master Agreement and follow it.
Take safety training and procedures seriously and save a life.
Take time to look around and see what this great career has provided for you and your family.
I would never ask you to take anything I wouldn’t take myself or set up for you to take. Make the most out of your time in the trade, what you receive is amazing. Happy New Year!
“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress.
Working together is success”
Henry Ford
Next month I will have photos and information on how the Family Union Meeting turned out.
Dates to remember:
January 1, 2014 Happy New Year!
January 16, 2014 JAC Meeting @ 9:00 am
January 24, 2014 State Test
January 28, 2014 Union Meeting @ 6:00 pm, dinner provided
February 28, 2014 Application deadline for State Test
Golden Rail Club
Kalamazoo: 1.1.14 First Wednesday @ 10:00 am, Theo & Stacey’s Restaurant
Lansing: 1.15.14 Third Wednesday @ 9:00 am, Zeus Restaurant, 6525 Pennsylvania, Lansing
Grand Rapids: 1.21.14 Third Tuesday @ 9:00 am, New Beginnings, 1455 Michigan Street, NE. Grand Rapids
Congratulations to Justin Massy and RJ Shaughnessy on passing the Mechanics exam.
The work Picture:
Things have improved.
Big Buck Contest:
Hopefully everyone has sent their big buck pictures in for the contest. If not, please email them to by January 3, 2014.
In Unity There Is Strength,
Bill Kogelschatz